How to Back Up Two Same Type Mobile Devices in Acronis True Image


Easy, intuitive backup and antimalware

A turnkey, self-service solution that lets you protect your customers' workloads by recovering their IT systems and applications utilizing the Acronis cloud infrastructure.

Dual Protection
Replicate your local backup in the cloud automatically so you always have an off-site copy available for recovery. Following the 3-2-1 backup rule has never been easier.

Active disk cloning
Make a replica of a Windows or Mac system while it's in use, without having to stop and reboot. The easiest way to migrate all of your data – OS, files, applications, and settings – to a larger or faster disk.

Non-stop backups
Keep working, playing, or surfing with continuous backups that capture changes as often as every five minutes. Set it and forget it – backups run in the background without affecting your computer's performance.

Anywhere access
Retrieve any file or folder you need from your cloud backup* from any computer or mobile device - wherever and whenever you want.

Cloud restores
Enjoy the enhanced speed, reliability, and stability of restoring from the cloud for better overall performance, thanks to new backup technologies.

Visual protection dashboard
Monitor everything at a glance, including your backup activity, data statistics, and cybersecurity metrics for all your devices with our intuitive online dashboard.

Universal restore
Easily restore your system to the same or new hardware with our bootable media and driver injection technology. Your data is quickly loaded on the machine of your choice.

Automatic mobile backups
Safeguard mobile data simply by coming home. Backups to your PC, Mac, and NAS start automatically when your smartphone or tablet connects to your Wi-Fi network.

Protection pause
Suspend the antimalware functions with one click: when you want for as long as you want. Pause for a specific length of time or resume automatically on the next restart.

Acronis Survival Kit
Streamline recoveries with this all-in-one Survival Kit tool that backs up everything you need to restart your system on an external drive – including the required boot media and full image backups of your entire system.

Tray notification center
Get messages pushed to your desktop tray so you can track the status of your backups and antimalware protection, quickly respond to any issues, and receive timely tips on how to enhance your protection.

Flexible management
Set schedules, configure destinations, and select your preferred backup type – full image, incremental, differential, or custom. Perform quick or full antivirus scans whenever you want.

Mobile backup review
Browse the contents of your mobile backups directly on the local PC or Mac that stores the backup files.

Mac restores
Restore your data to a new Mac machine more easily, even if it is spread across APFS volumes on your current system.

Free up disk space by moving large or rarely used files to the cloud or a local drive, while retaining easy access with a custom desktop shortcut.

Quick backup validation
Speed up the standard process for validating the effectiveness of your backups by only checking the latest version.

Event-based backups
Plug in an external USB and automatically begin backing up your data – it's one of several events triggers you can choose to make protecting your data easier. Mac users can choose to back up in Power Nap mode.

Efficient all-in-one protection

Flexible backup options and advanced antimalware combine for peace of mind that's innovative, effective, and affordable.

Full image backup
Protect everything to recover anything. A mirror image of your system disk or a selected partition enables you to easily recover whatever you need – from your full system to an individual file or folder.

File and folder backups
Control the nature of your backups. Select individual files and folders that you want specific replicas of when you don't want a full image copy.

Antiransomware and cryptojacking protection
Safeguard your files, apps, and systems by detecting and stopping ransomware, and cryptojacking attacks. It automatically restores any affected files.

Real-time protection
Keep your device and backup files safe from malicious activities. It blocks even never-seen-before threats – by checking every file you interact with in real-time.

Unlimited mobile devices
Cover all of your family's smartphones and tablets with one license. Remotely manage the protection plan for each Android and iOS device using a single dashboard. Protect every photo, video, contact, and calendar appointment so they're never lost – even if the device is lost or stolen.

Microsoft 365 backup
Create direct cloud-to-cloud backups of your Microsoft 365 account, including the emails and attachments from your mailbox and all of the files and folders in your OneDrive.

Resumable replications
Ensure data isn't duplicated. If a backup replication is interrupted, the process resumes from the point of the stoppage rather than restarting from the beginning.

CPU load balancing
Keep your computer's CPU from overloading during antivirus scans by giving priority to other applications so you're protected and productive.

Incremental and differential backups
Update backups up to three times faster with our Change-Block Tracker technology that follows modifications to an image in real-time.

WinPE media builder
Create WinPE boot media so you can recover your system from backup when your computer does not boot. Our WinPE builder allows you to select the drivers that need to be added to the media for better hardware compatibility.

Custom power management
Keep your laptop going by managing backups so they don't drain the battery. Set a minimum power level for backups, or completely block backups when on battery power.

Version control
Keep up to 999 versions of your backup if you want. Plus, you decide how long you want to keep them – unlike other backup solutions, we let you choose how long they're kept.

Dark mode for Mac
Enjoy a more native look for your Mac when in dark mode.

Virtual environment support
Converting full image backups to a virtual hard disk format so you can run your system as a virtual machine. Mac users with Parallels Desktop 15 can recover backed up VMs as immediately bootable files.

Device flexibility
Avoid being trapped in a single mobile platform by easily migrating data between Android and iOS devices.

Try and decide
Safely test new software, drivers, system updates, and more knowing you can easily revert to your previous configuration.

File sync and share
Sync files between computers or in the cloud so you can have the same files on multiple devices.

Backup cleanup utility
Free disk space by reviewing backup files, manually selecting unnecessary ones, and deleting those you no longer need.

Memory card backup
Protect the data stored on your Android's internal memory and SD storage cards to ensure nothing is lost.

Secure from all modern threats

Safeguard everything on your device and in your backups from the latest cyberthreats – even those never seen before.

On-demand antivirus scan
Ensure threats aren't lurking on your computer by scanning for malware whenever you want. Choose a quick file scan or a full system scan to check everything.

Vulnerability assessments
Identify the security weaknesses in your operating system and the apps you rely on daily. Our vulnerability assessment tool evaluates if your computer is susceptible to any known vulnerabilities, assigns severity levels to those vulnerabilities, and recommends critical updates to keep you safe.

Web filtering
Block malicious URLs trying to inject malware, ransomware, and cryptojackers onto your system the moment you try to visit them.

Videoconference protection
Keep your data and privacy away from hacker attacks when videoconferencing via Zoom, Cisco Webex, or Microsoft Teams.

Quarantine and exclusions
Keep your device and backup files safe from malicious activities. Isolate potential threats in quarantine, while you control exclusion lists that allow approved programs to run uninterrupted. It blocks even never-seen-before threats– by checking every file you interact with in real-time.

End-to-end encryption
Secure your backup using enterprise-grade AES-256 encryption that keeps your data private, whether it is on-site, in transit, or the cloud. Not even Acronis can read your encrypted files.

Secure data centers
Back up to our data centers knowing that each location is designed to meet the highest levels of security and include on-site protections such as armed guards, 24/7 video surveillance, biometric access, etc.

User-defined passwords
Create encrypted backups for each family member that are protected by their own custom password.

Hybrid cloud
Store your backups in Acronis' hybrid cloud infrastructure knowing that our data centers are specifically built for data privacy and security.

Back up on selected Wi-Fi
Back up to the cloud when you know it's safe by selecting the Wi-Fi network. You'll avoid the metered connections and unsecured public networks that can expose your data.

Signature-based analysis
Keep your defense up-to-date by checking for updates to the threat database every five minutes.

Behavioral analysis engin
Identify malware when it executes thanks to our new dynamic detection engine that identifies it based on how it interacts with your Windows machine.

Windows Security Center
Ensure compliance with Windows guidelines and compatibility with other security solutions.

Blockchain notarization
Create a unique "fingerprint" for your data with Acronis Notary, which generates a blockchain-based certificate that gives you an easy and irrefutable way to confirm its authenticity.

Electronic signatures
Capture electronic signatures on documents from multiple people and record them in the blockchain ledger with Acronis ASign for an easy, efficient, and secure way to verify an agreement's integrity.

What's New:

You expect your data, applications, and systems to always be available. Acronis True Image 2021 does that by delivering true cyber protection, integrating reliable backups and advanced antimalware in one.

Real-time protection

Cyberthreats are constantly evolving, with 350,000 new types of malware being reported every day. Our integrated, AI-enhanced antimalware technology blocks them all – even those never seen before – by checking every file you interact with to detect and stop malicious activity in real-time.

Vulnerability assessment

Many cyberattacks take advantage of security weaknesses in your operating system or in the applications you rely on daily. Our vulnerability assessment tool checks if your system is susceptible to any known vulnerabilities, assigns severity levels to these vulnerabilities, and recommends security updates to keep you safe. Run scans on-demand, on a schedule, or continuously.

On-demand antivirus scans

Ensure threats aren't lurking on your computer by scanning for malware whenever you want. Choose a quick scan of files that are most typically where malware will hide or conduct a full system scan to check everything. You can schedule a scan or run one with the click of a button.

Web filtering

Most websites are useful, informative, or fun – but others are designed to inject malware, ransomware, and cryptojackers onto your system, or harbor scams, fake news, and phishing threats. Our new protection automatically blocks those malicious URLs the moment someone tries to visit them.

Videoconference protection

As work applications like Zoom, Cisco Webex, and Microsoft Teams are used to keep people family and friends connected, they don't have IT support ensuring their security. Acronis' new protections stop malware injection attacks and prevent hackers from exploiting these tools on your machine.

Visual protection dashboard

Your data is valuable, but so is your time. That's why our Protection Dashboard let's you quickly run scans, manage exclusion lists and quarantined items, etc., and monitor your protection at a glance with graphic displays of files checked, threats found, threats stopped, and the status of scans.


Compare versions of Acronis True Image

Our plans offer all you need for personal data protection and management.

Essential Advanced Premium
Easy management
Protection dashboard with activity and statistics
Event-based backup scheduling
Flexible protection management
Battery backup controls
CPU load balancing
Try and decide tool
Backup cleanup utility
Quick backup validation
Resumable backup replications
Version control
Dark mode for Mac
Reliable backup and recovery
Full image backup Local and network destinations only
Active disk cloning
All-in-one recovery drive
Universal restore/bootable media
Non-stop backups
Backup archiving
Microsoft 365 backup, incld. and OneDrive
File and folder backups Local and network destinations only
Incremental and differential backups
Virtual machine conversion
Power Nap backups (Mac)
APFS volume restores (Mac)
Convenient cloud and mobile capabilities
Local-to-cloud backups not applicable
Cloud storage included not applicable
Max. cloud storage available not applicable 500 GB 5 TB
Cloud restores not applicable
File sync and share not applicable
Online management dashboard not applicable
Remote backup management not applicable
End-to-end encryption not applicable
User-defined passwords not applicable
Secure data centers not applicable
Hybrid cloud not applicable
Unlimited mobile devices
Device flexibility (iOS and Android)
Wireless local backup to PC, Mac, NAS
Automatic mobile backups
Mobile backup review on local computer
Memory card backup
Antiransomware and cryptojacking protection
Real-time protection a 30-day free trial
On-demand antivirus scan a 30-day free trial
Web filtering a 30-day free trial
Quarantine and exclusions a 30-day free trial
Videoconference protection
Signature-based analysis a 30-day free trial
Behavioral analysis engine a 30-day free trial
Windows Security Center
Blockchain notarization
Electronic signatures
Back up on selected Wi-Fi
Protection pause a 30-day free trial
Technical support Phone, email and online chat Phone, email and online chat Phone, email and online chat
Updates Critical bug fixes, new features and new versions as released during the subscription period Critical bug fixes, new features and new versions as released during the subscription period Critical bug fixes, new features and new versions as released during the subscription period

How to Back Up Two Same Type Mobile Devices in Acronis True Image


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