When Is It Safe to Take Hydrocodone Again

Annotate from: fibrohero, 45-54 on Handling for 5-10 years (Patient) Published: September 09

I have been taking Norco for years for treatment of Fibromyalgia and RSD pain (plus a few other fun things). I have fairly severe nerve damage and the hurting is horrendous without meds. Before I found a dr. who would actually treat my pain, I wanted to give upward. Taking the meds gave me back my life. I had to deal with the predjudice people take against people who take long-term pain meds and had to get over the fear of habit. When the meds lose their effectiveness, I accept my doc change me to a different med for a month or then and then switch back to the Norco. I have found that it just works the all-time for me. I have tried oxycontin, merely have establish that taking information technology longer than a few weeks the side effects are also severe. If y'all are taking Norco brusk-term, the risk of addiction isn't so bad. If you are taking this (or any narcotic) long-term, only be smart nigh information technology. If you find yous are seeking other drugs or doctors, check yourself and get help if you demand information technology. If you lot have a long-term disease like I have, get over the fact that yous have to have narcotics and make the others in your life go over information technology, as well. Norco gave me back my life. I appreciate the fact that there is something with few side effects that can help me this much.

Comment from: Zigie's dad, 45-54 Female on Treatment for 1-two years (Patient) Published: July 09

I was taking Norco x/350 for almost a year for lower back/leg pain. After a while, effectivnes started to diminish and plant myself taking more to maintain... 3-4/day. Afterwards a yr, wanted to meet if I could do without it, but had developed somewhat of a phys/ mental dependency. Went to Dr. and hither is what we did. Slowly started to reduce amount taken by approx 1/two pill every 5 days. Information technology took some willpower and a determination to quit, only information technology worked. In about twenty-25 days, you're done. To assistance with some of the withdrawal side effects, I used Ibuprofen 600mg i-two/day and .5mg of Ativan/lorezapam 2/twenty-four hours and and then slowly took less of those. Drink lots of water and exercise if possible. Toward the end, I was taking 1/ii Norco about 1 -2 hrs before bedtime and didn't become the restless legs. Overall, Norco worked for me, just exist carefull, one can really start to like the opiate high and sense of euphoria. I tin can run into how someone with a compulsive personality can get into trouble with this stuff afterwards several weeks. In general, it takes about three weeks to develope a dependency and virtually 3 weeks to reverse it. Again, the reversal took a moderate amount of willingness to do and then, merely wasn't really that hard or uncomfortable.

Comment from: Caspian, 65-74 on Treatment for ii-five years (Patient) Published: Apr 10

Footling or no pain of knees or hands later on taking boswellia for ii or iii weeks. I have tried going without it, just after 2 weeks my pain would come dorsum.

Comment from: 25-34 on Treatment for 2-5 years (Patient) Published: February 18

I've taken this for almost the final 3 yrs for endometriosis and chronic back pain. I'd been on the seven.5/325 dosage for 2 1/2 yrs then had to motion upwards to the ten/325 dosage due to it having become less effective. I've never had an issues taking information technology on an empty tum, and that's the best way to do and so for the effectiveness to remain the same. My dr and I both concur that I'thousand at a depression chance for dependency due to the way I take my meds., and then I haven't had to worry well-nigh that either. I used to take vicodin seven.5/750 and switched to Norco to lessen the chances of liver damage downwards the road. Many ppl feel that this is a very strong drug, simply in the ultimate scheme of things it's really not. There are many meds that are stronger on the market (eg OxyContin, Fentynol) and when combined with NSAID'southward its furnishings are that much meliorate. I take found that nigh GP's and family drs will refer u to see a hurting mgmt dr for ongoing treatment, and they want to see u every 2-4 wks for refills. If u have ongoing conditions this can get costly, only the medicine is worth information technology to relieve ur pain. I highly reccommend it for anyone who needs pain relief and has a fearfulness of addiction.

Annotate from: BrokenFirefighter, 35-44 on Treatment for 2-five years (Patient) Published: September fifteen

I am a disabled fireman I was injure on the job. A roof cruel ontop of me...anyways I have been thriough many surgerys and live with horrible pain. I have tried EVERYTHING!! and it ends up that I am alleric to most pain meds. I started taking Norco several years ago and it works great Its so wierd cuz I could have 6 percocets and it barely touches my pain I take ii-3 norco and it helps my pain and then much. I practise take 10-11 a day which is alot only i keep it under 12 a day on very bad days Thank god I accept the same Dr who too did my surgerys ,when i tell other Doctorlike my (PC)medico they flip out with the amout I take a day,but I dont take anything but the norco and ambian.My pain is overwhelming and its hard to just get up outta bed everyday if information technology wasnt for the norco I dont know what I would practice. Alot of DRs present dont understand Hurting And so always be upfront with your Drs and clearly MAKE them sympathize what kind of pain you are in dont walk away with not beingness heard.I did that many years and lived with this pain until I merely couldnt accept it anymore. I hateful and i am dealing with WC who just give me the worst time nigh paying for my meds. My career is over at 36 i shouldnt be denied bones things to but alive like a normal person. I say to those trying norco try taking 1/2 at showtime and take it as directed I have seen may folks become all screwed up on this medication. Good luck to everyone out in that location with pain...sorry this was and then long but i wanted to allow people know they are never alone..Cheers for your time

Comment from: Lisa, 25-34 on Handling for 6 months - 1 year (Patient) Published: Nov 03

I have been on Norco for about 6 months, I was on Vicodin before and my Dr upped my meds to Norco for my dorsum pain. This pill has been wonderful, non just does information technology salve my back pain, merely I have no side effects other than it gives me a relaxed feeling. This is one of the all-time pain medications I have ever taken!!

Comment from: Old Texan, 75 or over Female person on Treatment for 2-5 years (Patient) Published: March 17

I am 77 years old. I take Norco 10/325 for chronic pain related to 1) Furnishings of long term Lyme affliction syndrome. 2) Recent blow causing cellulitis. 3) From a autumn causing a Reverse Arthroscopy (shoulder replacement). iv) Arthritis. 5) Fibromyalgia, probably caused past the Lyme disease. For years I just hurt. Doctors had me take naproxin and ibuprofen, which were largely ineffective. Then I got a dr. who is an elderberry intendance specialist. I recommend that you elderly folks, fifty-fifty if your md has been treating yous for years, search out an elder care specialist. If your md is not successfully managing your hurting, change doctors. You may just get your life back. I did. The new crop of orthopedic doctors are very skillful at treating arthritis with new procedures without surgery or pain medicines. Opoid constipation can exist successfully controlled by eating minimally processed vegetables and fruit, such as dates, pineapple, avocado, etc. recall outside the box here,fruit is no longer prunes and apples. Dried fruits are excellent and seem to be more effective. A cellulose fiber supplement such as Fiber-Con helps, as well. You need to continue your stool bulky and soft. Just my experiences, I hope this helps you.

Comment from: sray, 45-54 on Treatment for ane-half-dozen months (Patient) Published: January 12

I have been taking standardized boswellia 300 mg 3X/day in place of celebrex for over a month now, and my upper gi track has non been flaring upwardly like it was on a daily basis.

Comment from: no surgery, 65-74 (Patient) Published: March 21

I institute relief from continuous knee pain. If you lot stop using it it stops working.

Comment from: Joelle, 55-64 on Handling for 10+ years (Patient) Published: Apr xxx

I began using Boswellia (AOR Maxi-Boz, from Canada)about x years ago for human knee pain. I had been prescribed Boswellia before at the Arya Vaidya Shala Research Hospital in Delhi as part of a course of anti-arthritis treatment that worked very well. At the time they impressed on me the importance of using high quality supplements backed by research, which is why I chose AOR. I've been pain free since starting Maxi-Boz and was able to get off the Naproxen I had been using. My articulation mobility is also much ameliorate and I have much less musculo-skeletal hurting in general. I haven't experienced any noticeable side-effects except occasional incense burps when I take it with likewise petty water, and my blood chemistries take been consistently normal.

Annotate from: [email protected], 35-44 on Handling for 5-ten years (Patient) Published: October 21

I have taken Norco 10/325 for several years for Crohn's Disease and Fibromyalgia. I prefer it to other meds such as Avinza (Morphine fourth dimension release). I just works best for my pain levels (6-8). Some people just tin't take it (makes them feel jumpy/hyper). Everyone is dissimilar so non everyone is going to have the same response. Brand sure to not merely talk to your doctor, merely do some research! Read reviews! YOU are ultimately responsible for your health. Be assertive and ask questions. I have 1-2 tabs every 6hrs. I KNOW I am addicted. I'll deal with that when the time comes, simply it beats being bed-ridden. Even with the Norco I have bad days that keep me in bed. Think to start with small dosage, even if information technology's 1/two tab every 6 hrs until y'all know how you'll respond. Good luck and God Bless.


Back Pain: 16 Dorsum Hurting Truths and Myths See Slideshow

Comment from: 35-44 on Treatment for 6 months - 1 year (Patient) Published: July 24

I am a 37 year. old female w/ sciatic nerve pain caused by damaged discs in my back. I was originally taking Darvocet Northward-100 and it was helping some, but then was switched to Norco 325. It worked very well with me only taking 1 tab. 3X a day. Now I tin can't function good without it and am waiting for my refills which have been delayed. I've experienced minor withdrawl symptoms which are worse for me at night & cypher helps my pain likewise equally the Norco did.

Comment from: Shotsey, 55-64 on Treatment for less than one month (Patient) Published: May 24

I used the Solaray brand with 65% boswellic acids (300 mg per capsule)for what I describe as an inflamed muscular feeling throughout my body where I could hardly move (peradventure fibromyalgia) and inside virtually an hour to an hr and a half I felt ninety% meliorate. I was able to move much better. I did not have the inflamed feeling and I felt more relaxed). And so far I have only used one capsule but I intend to use as needed. Earlier in the twenty-four hour period I had taken an extra strength Tylenol which did not help at all.

Comment from: old salty, 75 or over on Treatment for 1-vi months (Patient) Published: November 24

Articulatio genus problems acquired by sciatica, it has given me most 90% comeback over the past two months.

Comment from: firemedic, 25-34 Female person on Treatment for 2-5 years (Patient) Published: October 05

This drug ruined my life. I started taking it approx 2 years ago for astringent back issues. This drug is similar alchol the more you take the more you lot need to continue to get the aforementioned desired affect. At my highest i was taking over threescore milligrams a day. I became physically dependant on it and accept lost my career because of this drug. The withdraw symptoms were horrible and i would not wish them on anyone. I currently am enrolled in rehab. Great for hurting, but be careful with this drug please.

Comment from: air751hotmail.com, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: March 30

I have been using norco for 3 years, its been wonderful, utilize information technology as your md prescribes and you wont have whatever issues. Drug addicts, have ruined this drug'due south availability though, for those of usa, that legitimately need information technology. So, now we suffer in pain, because of information technology. Doctors need to re read and re-evaluate the "MTUS" chronic hurting guidelines, folio 11, of 964

Comment from: forsini, 45-54 Female person on Handling for 2-5 years (Patient) Published: November 17

i endure with astringent dorsum and leg pain. take been useing this med. and discover it very effective . its also smashing for relieving my cough from COPD. when i was takeing direct oxycontin it effected my sleeping and it wasnt long before i needed to have stronger doses. with this med. the pain is redused and i slumber adept and its effectivness has,ntdeminished!!

Comment from: KEATING2016, 25-34 Female Published: December xvi

Currently day 4 of utilize. Only side furnishings Ive noticed is increase in free energy and balmy diarrhea. I was taking 40mg of Hydrocodone with little adept Hurting still was at that place and increasing in waves. Constipation was painful and likely dissentious. I say after 12 years 4 chiros seven doctors and a couple MRI'south the only thing that has helped at all is the INDIAN Frankincense SAVESTA BOSWELLIA IN THE TAN CONTAINER

Comment from: 55-64 on Treatment for 10+ years (Patient) Published: May 22

I have been taking hydrocodone for years for my osteoarthritis in my knee. The pain relief is excellent. Nevertheless, I experience itching over my entire torso and it keeps me awake. I unremarkably have my prescriptions filled at CVS but the last time I went to get it they were out of information technology. I went to Walgreen & filled the prescription in that location. To my elated surprise, I did NOT experience the side effects of itching and not being able to sleep. If y'all have experienced these side effects & get your pills from CVS I highly recommend trying a different chemist's.

Comment from: Three12161, 45-54 on Treatment for v-ten years (Patient) Published: November 07

My problem requires high doses of hydrocodone, but I wanted to limit my intake of acetamenaphen (sp) since I accept it long term. four Norco per day @ 10/325 helps reduce the number of pills, and really reduces the acetamenaphen intake on a daily basis. Plus has reduced the nausea acquired from taking so many pills to get the aforementioned amount of hydrocodone which had a high combined amount of acet.

Annotate from: 55-64 on Treatment for less than 1 month (Patient) Published: Jan 08

I accept had extreme muscle stiffness and tightness for years. Later on three weeks of use, I could tell a remarkable difference. Highly recommend it.

Comment from: withdrawalshell, 25-34 Female on Treatment for two-5 years (Patient) Published: November thirteen

Suffered a major work related back injury and was prescribed 10/325 Norco for chronic intense pain. Refills were endless for more than than three years, while consuming vi-8 per day. Peachy for hurting, terrible for life. Withdrawal was 72 hours + of absolute hell! The thought of withdrawal scared me from quitting. My Dr. felt like a dealer afterwards a while. Still in hurting, but not fond. Careful what you lot wish for, a stoned existence is a waste.

Annotate from: Scottie, 45-54 Female on Treatment for ane-6 months (Patient) Published: Feb 12

I take taken this drug for a herniated lumbar disc and I am non taking it as function of a hurting handling for degenerative disc disease. I have had not bad success. During the herniated disc period I was ii 10/325 three times daily for a long period of time. It was a life saver. I recently started the treatment of one to two seven.5/325 every other day forth with epidural steroid injections one time a month. The treatment of every day or as needed is to help me from condign dependent. So far it does keen as far as pain treatment.

Comment from: 25-34 Female person on Handling for one-6 months (Patient) Published: August 25

I accept been taking Norco at present for iv months due to severe dorsum hurting, I accept degenerative disc disease and I blew out one of my discs...most days it hurts simply to get out of bed, let alone carrying on with life, i am constantly thinking about my back pain, i couldn't sit notwithstanding..after I was diagnosed, they put me on NORCO, I accept tried tramadol as well, but that really makes me feel atrocious, cant eat, cant sleep, sucks..just the NORCO is a godsend, I take about 6 a solar day when I am in the most pain, I feel like a new person, information technology lets me practise the things i want to do, practise, play softball, golf, basin, etc hurting costless..information technology does give you a boost and I can encounter how people tin go addicted..I stopped cold turkey for most a week and there are definitely some withdrawal symptoms, more often than not sweating, chills and general discomfort and then exist careful with it, just if used correctly, it can alter your life...if you lot need to use pain meds..dont continually take norco, try and switch up so y'all dont go used to information technology or fond, i was using tramadol and norco, but I dont recommend tramadol for severe pain, and if you lot want to eat normally, i just take tylenol on the days i dont take norco, it helps, but non like the NORCO...just exist careful when using it

Comment from: 25-34 Female on Treatment for 6 months - ane year (Patient) Published: December 08

Norco and Viccadin. Non sure how to spell that, bot effect anybody differantly. Personally for my back pain I discover norco to help. I am not sure why but generic watson brand works best for me. The side effects for me are not actually much other than a calming feeling. Watch not to become fond to the pill. Some get sleepy, some get sick, some get high. Personally those feelings depend on the person. Take on with food and run across, then you volition know how your body reacts. also I would try to take as low of a dose every bit possible every bit the body builds up a resistance to it and increasing the dose is necessary long term. All in all it is a skilful drug if yous can accept it. I tin tak it on an empty tum and it works even better. This drug is the same thing as viccodin but stronger in a sense that y'all tin take more than hydrocodone and non so much tynol and save your liver a bit. If it works it is a good drug, take information technology every bit prescribed and yous should non be in much pain, if you are tell the dr and ask him to increase your dose.


Medically speaking, the term "myalgia" refers to what blazon of pain? Run into Answer

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Source: https://www.rxlist.com/script/main/rxlist_view_comments.asp?drug=norco&questionid=fdb63_pem

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