Is It Easy to Switch Majors at Berkeley

UC San Diego

3. 10 Easiest Transfer Majors: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD

The non-popular UC majors

We all know those majors that a tremendous amount of students want.  These popular majors at all the UCs are also the most difficult to get into as it's all about supply and demand.  But what about those applicants that are straddling the fence in terms of GPA, or maybe they haven't fulfilled the major requirements for their initially desired major, or maybe they just want to get into their dream school? Whatever the reason, I get many students wanting to know the easier majors to help get them to a UC. And by easy I don't mean easy once you get to the UC; I simple mean easy in terms of transfer GPA and number of required courses at the CCC.

To help figure out a game plan, I have collected the top 10 majors that will give a borderline student more of a flighting chance. I have left a few out of the lists. These are:

  • language majors, which are always lower admit GPAs and always have a higher admit rate. This applies across all UCs.
  • Creative arts, which always has a lower admit GPA, but involves a portfolio, so is usually harder to get in to.
  • Occasionally, a STEM major has a slightly higher admit rate than usual. I have left these out as they will inevitably include a great many pre-req courses.

How to interpret the lists

Mid-range GPA:  This is the mid-50% of GPAs for those admitted to the UC in that major for fall 2015.  There were 25% admitted that had lower GPAs and 25% admitted that had higher GPAs. To be competitive and increase your odds, you wan to be in that mid-range or higher, if at all possible.

Admit Rate:  This is the percentage of applicants that got offered admission.  In other words, if an admit rate is 50% that means half of all that applied to that major got offered admission. (Contrast that with some engineering majors with a 4% admit rate.)

To see the Top Ten lists for Irvine, Davis and Santa Barbara, click here.
Click here for 10 Easiest at Santa Cruz, Riverside and Merced.

10 Easiest Majors to Transfer into UC Berkeley

1. Development Studies 3.72 - 3.93 41%
2. Environmental Economics Policy 3.42 - 3.78 49%
3. Society and Environment 3.57 - 3.91 54%
4. Landscape Architecture 3.11 - 3.6 39%
5. Conservation and Resource Studies 3.40 - 3.98 37%
6. American Studies 3.72 - 3.89 35%
7. History of Art 3.53 - 3.86 40%
8. Comparative Literature 3.60 - 3.87 41%
9. Peace and Conflict Studies 3.59 - 3.84 44%
10. English 3.60 - 3.92 37%

10 Easiest Majors to Transfer into UCLA

1. African American Studies 3.21 - 3.41 55%
2. Asian Humanities 3.51 - 3.79 63%
3. Gender Studies 3.32 - 3.67 59%
4. Pre-European Studies 3.10 - 3.38 67%
5. Art History 3.40 - 3.78 60%
6. Comparative Literature 3.17 - 3.68 62%
7. Classical Civilization 3.34 - 3.76 64%
8. American Lit & Culture 3.30 - 3.69 62%
9. Pre-History 3.45 - 3.85 61%
10. Geography 3.44 - 3.85 61%

10 Easiest Majors to Transfer into UC San Diego

1. Interdisciplinary: Computers & the Arts masked 75%
2. Linguistics: Cognition and Language 3.40 - 3.91 70%
3. Undeclared 3.50 - 3.81 92%
4. Management Science 3.53 - 3.87 54%
5. Sociology 3.46 - 3.81* 51%
6. Political Science 3.45 - 3.83* 58%
7. Poli Sci: Public Policy 3.43 - 3.77* 51%
8. Poli Sci: Public Law 3.47 - 3.79* 53%
9. Poli Sci: International Relations 3.43 - 3.83* 60%
10. Global Health 3.52 - 3.83* 58%

* – these UCSD majors have a substantially lower enroll GPA, meaning many applicants within that mid-range did not accept the UCSD offer. (Those lower GPA admitted applicants may have been in the bottom 25% or on a waitlist.) Additionally, Sociology has numerous sub-specialties not listed above that are also in the same GPA/admit range.

Be sure to check out this link for more detail.:

Lindy King

Lindy is an independent UC admissions consultant, who works with both transfers and freshmen. She also has just completed her first novel, a supernatural thriller set in San Francisco.


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